Model Comp Card Photography in Chicago
In Chicago’s modeling industry, having a strong portfolio is essential to stand out. One of the most critical components of a model’s portfolio is the comp card. Model comp card photography in Chicago is essential for creating a standout visual representation that helps models secure the opportunities they deserve. What is a Comp Card? A […]
Headshots: Cosette Tomita’s Compcard
I am always searching for new ways to light my subjects, and with every shoot, I seek to perfect my technique. Recently I started using a Westcott ‘7 Parabolic Umbrella. After a few test shoots, I rolled out the umbrella for this headshot with teen female model Cosette Tomita. Using a giant softbox overhead to give Cosette’s hair a little kick and some overhead fill, I had the model strike several different poses, including this jumping shot below.
Headshots: Commercial Model Keisha Clark
Female commercial model Keisha Clark does a photoshoot for her compcard.
Chicago Fitness Model Comp Card Photography with John Gress
I recently completed a compcard shoot in my Chicago studio for male model Negus Ferguson.
Headshots: Chicago Male Lifestyle Model Anthony Robinson
We had a great shoot yesterday with male lifestyle model Anthony Robinson, who hired us to update his portfolio and compcards.