Member Exclusive: 2 – Studio Hardware – Super Clamps
If you have ever looked at a behind the scenes photo or walked down the isle in a camera store and wondered, what is that thing and why do I need it? Then this series is for you! Over the next few videos, I will be shining a little light on all of the small things that help up get the job done in the studio and on location.
Member Exclusive: 1 – Studio Hardware – Grip Heads
If you have ever looked at a behind the scenes photo or walked down the isle in a camera store and wondered, what is that thing and why do I need it? Then this series is for you! Over the next few videos, I will be shining a little light on all of the small things that help up get the job done in the studio and on location.
5 Lighting Concepts Every Photographer Should Master
5 Lighting Concepts Every Photographer Should Master
Lighting 101 – Three Point Lighting Tutorial
In this video I walk you through 3-Point Lighting and surprise 4-point lighting!. Covering Key, Fill, edge / kicker and hair lights.
How to Freeze Motion In the Studio Using Flash
Action freezing examples include a dancer jumping and long hair blowing with a fan as we examine flash duration and how much you need to overpower the ambient light to freeze action in the studio or on location.