Chicago Music Video Director: Caleb Minter, “Say It Remix”

I directed this music video for singer Caleb Minter. The Atlanta pop and R&B artist came to Chicago and we shot the video on location and in my south loop Chicago studio.
Marcus Matteo’s new single ‘I don’t wanna go to work today’

I worked together with Marcus Matteo to come up with his evocative album artwork for his new single ‘I don’t wanna go to work today.’ Most of it was his idea…. but my contribution was tweaking the pose and adding the keys. All in all Im really happy with the final results.
New video ‘Sincerely….Marcus Matteo’

A short video I made introducing Chicago singer songwriter Marcus Matteo was just released prior to the upcoming release of ‘MPFREE,’ his first collection of original music. The video features the intro track to ‘MPFREE’ called ‘Sincerely……Marcus Matteo’, a short but sweet acapella number inviting you into the world of Marcus Matteo.