Our “I Will” music video has continued to garner rave reviews and attention from people in all walks of life.
Saturday, Marshall, performed “I Will” for Civil Rights Activist Jesse Jackson’s 70th Birthday celebration. The nearly full capacity crowd cheered on Titus as his voice soared and the live television audience was certainly inspired by his inspirational words.

Sunday morning Gay.net gave the release a stunning review. “I Will” is a beautiful music video… it turns the whole story of HIV around. Instead of simply focusing on the dread of the disease it takes the viewer on a journey. It moves from every day life into regret, confusion. fear, and then to embracing the joys and excitement that comes from living life and finding love.”
Sunday night KG In The Lab released an interview we did last week. Tune in and listen to Marshall and I discuss the creative process of making the video.
Recently, the video was also featured on HIV+ Daily and ScotchRocket.
We expect more interviews to publish shortly and we can’t wait for the video to touch the hearts of even more viewers.