Learn how to use the exposure triangle in under 15 minutes to master manual exposure settings

You could also think as this as a beginners guide or exposure for dummies!
What you have gotten wrong about studio lighting

Photographers have a lot of misconceptions when it comes to flash, LEDs and modeling lights. So in today’s video I am going to touch on what each of these things do and in general how you can use them. I will touch on Why you would use LED continuous lights or flash, types of flashes, Flash duration, how many watt seconds you need, LED brightness, why you would use a light meter and the inverse square law.
7 Composition Mistakes Every Photographer Makes

Everyone makes mistakes, weather your a beginner or a seasoned professional. The goal is to practice and to make fewer of them as you advance in your career. In today’s video, I go over 7 common portrait composition mistakes.
Member Exclusive: Everything you need to know to get started with one light

In this months member exclusive video I am going to go over hard light, soft light, feathering, light placement, diffusion, fill and more.
Member Exclusive: What is the difference between Speedlights, Monolights and Packs & Heads?

I am often asked what the difference is between AC Powered Packs & Heads, Monolights and Speedlights or Speedlites. We will also touch on flash duration too and how many watt-seconds you need too.