Posing Men: the head to toe guide to posing for photographers AND models

This video with male model Jason Cates will taking your male poses from dreadful to dynamic whether you’re a model, a groom, a photographer or the everyday guy. Includes standing and seated poses, working with the light plus specific advice for heavy set plus sized subjects.
Member Exclusive: Portrait Photography & Lighting Photo Critique

In today’s video I set out to critique five portraits and headshots. After pointing out the positives I share my advice on how the images could be improved. So basically, this video is full of portrait and lighting tips and tricks!
ReadyLightMedia vs. JohnGressMedia Photo Critique: Fashion & portrait photography tips

So I sat down with professional photographer and lighting expert Jeff Carpenter (of Ready Light Media fame), to go over 5 images from multiple genres (submitted by their makers) to give suggestions on how the photos could be improved.
Photo critique with James Quantz Jr.

There are two ways photographers can grow and improve — practice and critique. But the feedback we get online is often all positive and unqualified or destructive and also unqualified. So in today’s video, James Quantz Jr. and I will go over 6 images, submitted by their makers, and give suggestions on how the photos could be improved.
Photo Critique with Gary Hughes

After doing a critique for Gary’s YouTube channel a few weeks ago, we decided to record one for mine, which I will post publicly next week.