Santorum, Up Close And Personal

I started off the day thinking that I might visit South Dakota for the first time as Santorum’s schedule took me very close to that part of the world. Instead, I made another first. During an event in Sioux Falls I ended up so close to the presidential candidate that I had to turn my head not to breath on him as he waited for his introduction. It all started when I began moving through the over stuffed coffee shop as he began to work the room and it ended when we were stuck with no where left to go. Having a dozen cameras pointed on my was a big departure from the norm.

Rick Perry Campaigns in Eastern Iowa

I went to two nice looking independent coffee shops today with Texas Governor Rick Perry… and all I got for breakfast was a 2-and-a-half hour drive and a cup of Starbucks.

Bachmann Campaigns In Nevada, Iowa

I experienced what I think was one of the most unique campaign stops I have ever seen. Michele Bachmann showed up in Nevada Iowa tonight, did an interview with CNN, pulled out her cell phone and said her former state campaign chairman called her and left her for money, cut a cake, and then shook a few hands without taking any questions from the waiting audience.

Rick Perry Campaigns In Iowa

Iowa Political Photographer

I’m back in Iowa for my third election and I must say I am really enjoying it. No snow and a lot of interesting people.