Part II: Canon EOS R5 Settings for Video – Filmmaking

I wanted to share with you how I setup my Canon EOS R5 for videography. This video will take a deep-dive into the settings and features of the first Canon professional mirrorless camera and include detailed info for people who are new to video.
DIY Cucoloris for Photographers and Filmmakers made with black foamcore, Do-it-yourself

You can buy a professionally made one, or you can make your own for just a few dollars in about an hour.
Why I love Aputure’s LED 120D and 300D lights for video

When I started shooting video I had to use fluorescent banks & giant hot lights. But when I replaced everything with LEDs, I could light like a photographer again!
Hardware Studio: equipment that will make your photo studio hum!

Everyone has a light stand, even make up artists. Some photographers have boom arms but when you really want to refine your work, or make your life easier in the studio easier you’ll need an arsenal of hardware. And for the most part I am not talking about the durable goods you can pick up at Home Depot or Lowe’s.
Fill is not a person, but he is your friend

As photographers we might obsess about this modifier or that one, believe me I have, but often times we fall short when it comes to shadow detail. This is something I struggle with from time to time when shooting in a new room and every shoot poses its own set of problems, so the purpose of this post is to share some basic concepts that I hope will help you maximize dynamic range and develop more details in your depictions.