How to tether your Canon EOS R5 in Lightroom Classic using EOS Utility

In today’s video I am going to show you how to tether your Canon EOS R5 to Lightroom Classic using EOS Utility.
Review: The Canon EOS RF 35mm f1.8 Macro v. the Canon EF 35mm f1.4L II USM for R5 Mirrorless Camera

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Lighting Ratios: Why the power of your light is irrelevent

People always want to ask what power my lights were set at when I took the picture and I also see that people like me reporting this information on their BTS diagrams. Here is why!
Full Review of the Canon EOS R5 for Commercial and Portrait Photographers switching from the 5DIV

After using the R5 for a full month as a professional commercial studio and portrait photographer, who shoots some video, I have decided to fully switch from the 5D Mark IV. It took me a while to test everything from auto focus, to tethering to video (including overheating) and how to get the best color out of the new RAW files. This video also covers post production in DPP (Digital Photo Professional), Lightroom and Capture One 20. Please see a full summary of the time line below.
Canon EOS R5: How to get the best color in Lightroom, Camera Matching Standard Profile

I was so excited last week when the Adobe applications updated and then I was so disappointed when I realized the Camera Matching Color Profiles were missing.
After searching everywhere I came across Color Fidelity ( , a third party vendor that sell packs of color profiles for Lightroom and Photoshop and plopped down $15 hoping they would work! Eureka! One of them emulates Camera Matching Standard or Picture Style Standard, giving you basically the same color you would get in DPP (Digital Photo Professional) but in Lightroom.