Chicago black and white headshot series: Robin Cook

For this Chicago black and white headshot series featuring models Robin Cook, Eric Luchen and Matthew Cuff, I decided to use natural light, augmented with reflectors, and fast prime lenses shot wide open to blur the background.

Chicago black and white headshot series
(L-R) Matthew Enrique Cup, Eric Lueshen and Robin Cook
behind the scenes by Chicago black and white headshot photographer
Make-up artist Cindy Vazquez does her magic.
behind the scenes by Chicago black and white headshot photographer
Make-up artist Ranal Jenso touches Robin up.

Chicago black and white headshot photographer baseball portrait


Chicago black and white headshot photographer lifestyle sports image
You should have seen how red his shoulder was after the 88th take!

Credits : Credits: Make-up by Randall Jenson and Cindy Vazquez. Styling by Isaac King and Richard Paden. Additional modeling by Brian Fountian, Eric Lueshen, Byron Green, Matthew Enrique Cup and Roman D

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