Model Comp Card Photography in Chicago

In Chicago’s modeling industry, having a strong portfolio is essential to stand out. One of the most critical components of a model’s portfolio is the comp card. Model comp card photography in Chicago is essential for creating a standout visual representation that helps models secure the opportunities they deserve.

A close-up portrait of Christian, wearing a white dress shirt and adjusting a dark tie. The background is plain white, emphasizing his facial features and the neatness of his attire.
Christian adjusting his tie in a close-up shot, ideal for comp cards in Chicago.

What is a Comp Card?

A comp card, also known as a composite card or Z card or Zee card, is a marketing tool used by models to showcase their portfolio in a concise and visually appealing format. It typically features a headshot on the front and four images on the back, along with the model’s vital statistics and contact information. Comp cards are essential for models as they serve as a physical representation of their work and capabilities, often used during auditions, casting calls, and agency meetings.

Essential Components of a Comp Card

A well-crafted comp card includes a variety of images that highlight different aspects of a model’s appearance and versatility. The key components are:

  • Close-Up Shots: These images focus on the model’s face, capturing their expressions and features in detail.
  • 3/4 Length Shots: These shots provide a balanced view, showing more of the model’s physique while still focusing on their face and upper body.
  • Full Body Shots: Full body images are crucial to showcase the model’s overall look, posture, and style.
  • Body Shots for Male Models: For male models, body shots are particularly important to display their physique and fitness.

By including these different types of images, a comp card provides a comprehensive view of a model’s abilities and versatility, making it easier for casting directors and agents to assess their potential.

Christian needed a headshot for his Model comp card photography in Chicago
Christian’s focused expression captured perfectly for a model comp card in Chicago.

Close-Up Shots: Capturing the Face

Close-up shots are essential for any model comp card. These images focus on the model’s face, highlighting their features, expressions, and emotions. A good close-up can convey a lot about a model’s versatility and range, making it a crucial part of their portfolio.

When capturing close-up shots, it’s important to focus on lighting, angles, and expressions. Natural light or soft studio lighting can help highlight the model’s features without creating harsh shadows. Experimenting with different angles can also bring out the best in the model’s face, capturing their most flattering looks.

3/4 Length Shots: Balancing Detail and Context

3/4 length shots strike a balance between close-up and full body shots, providing a fuller view of the model’s physique while still focusing on their face and upper body. These shots are essential for showing how the model’s face, posture, and body work together to create a cohesive look.

To capture effective 3/4 length shots, it’s important to consider the model’s stance, clothing, and background. The model should pose in a way that highlights their natural posture and style, and the background should complement their outfit without distracting from their appearance.

Full Body Shots: Showcasing the Entire Look

Full body shots are crucial for any comp card as they showcase the model’s overall look, posture, and style. These images provide a comprehensive view of the model’s physique and how they carry themselves, making them an essential part of the portfolio.

When capturing full body shots, it’s important to consider the model’s pose, attire, and background. The model should stand or sit in a way that highlights their natural posture and confidence. The outfit should complement their body type and the background should enhance the overall look without being too distracting.

Christian’s full body shot in a blue suit is a perfect example of how to showcase a model’s overall look. Seated on a wooden chair with a serious and confident expression, his attire and pose are complemented by the dark background, creating a striking and professional image.

Full body portraits are essential for Model comp card photography in Chicago
Christian in a blue suit, showcasing a professional look for comp card photography in Chicago.

Body Shots: Essential for Male Models

For male models, body shots are particularly important as they showcase their physique and fitness. These images highlight the model’s muscle tone and body shape, making them essential for fitness and commercial modeling.

When capturing body shots, it’s important to focus on lighting, angles, and poses. Proper lighting can highlight the model’s muscle tone and contours, while different angles can showcase their physique from various perspectives. The model should pose in a way that accentuates their strengths and showcases their fitness.

Model comp card photography in Chicago typically includes body shots for male models
Christian’s dramatic side profile, perfect for male model comp card photography in Chicago.

This dramatic black-and-white side profile of Christian is a perfect example of a powerful body shot. Shirtless with his arms crossed, the completely black background creates a strong contrast that highlights his physique and the contours of his face and body. This type of shot is ideal for showcasing a male model’s fitness and strength.

Crafting the Perfect Comp Card with John Gress Photography

Creating a standout comp card requires the expertise of a professional photographer who understands the nuances of model comp card photography in Chicago. John Gress Photography offers tailored sessions designed to capture the unique attributes of each model, ensuring their comp card is both compelling and professional. John’s extensive experience and artistic eye ensure that each photograph tells a story, highlighting the model’s versatility and appeal.

Christian is wearing a black leather jacket with the collar up, giving a confident and edgy look. The image features artistic lighting with shadows crossing his face, adding a dramatic and stylish effect.
Christian in a black leather jacket, highlighting a stylish and edgy look for comp card photography in Chicago.

Packages and Pricing for Model Comp Card Photography in Chicago

John Gress Photography offers a variety of packages to suit the needs of models at different stages of their careers. Each package is designed to provide a comprehensive set of images that can be used for comp cards and other promotional materials. Here’s a breakdown of our packages:

  • 1 Hour Session – $499: Ideal for those needing a quick update to their headshots. This package includes close-up, 3/4, and full-body shots with 2-4 background and clothing changes, and one retouched image.
  • 2 Hour Session – $749: Perfect for actors and models who need a variety of shots. This session includes 3-5 background and clothing changes, and three retouched images.
  • 3 Hour Session – $999: Designed for models needing a comprehensive portfolio. This package includes 4-7 background and clothing changes, and five retouched images.
  • 5 Hour Session – $2299: The ultimate experience for those needing an extensive portfolio. This session includes 6-9 background and clothing changes, and 15 retouched images, along with all images in high resolution.


  • 100 Model Composite Cards: $299
  • 250 Model Composite Cards: $399
  • 500 Model Composite Cards: $499

Additional options include purchasing all images in medium or high resolution, and adding extra retouched images for a fee. We also offer hair and makeup services to ensure you look your best during the shoot.

Why Five Retouched Images are Essential for Model Comp Cards

Retouching is a crucial step in the photography process, enhancing the quality and professionalism of the images. For comp cards, five retouched images provide a comprehensive view of the model’s abilities and versatility. Retouching ensures that each image is polished and free from imperfections, allowing the model to present their best self to potential clients and agencies.

Retouched images help in:

  • Removing minor blemishes and distractions
  • Enhancing lighting and color balance
  • Highlighting the model’s best features
  • Ensuring a cohesive and professional look across all images

With five retouched images, models can showcase a variety of looks and styles, making their comp card more appealing and effective in capturing the attention of casting directors and agents.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Our clients’ success stories speak volumes about the quality and effectiveness of our photography services. Here are some testimonials from models who have worked with John Gress Photography:

“John was highly professional throughout our shoot. He was prompt, prepared, and made the photo session exciting! He truly cares about his job, and I would highly recommend.” – Amir C.

“John is very professional, personable, and patient during the shoots. I have utilized his photography service on three separate occasions, and I recommend anyone who is looking for a skilled photographer who is going to capture great moments within any setting.” – Cameron M.

“Working with John was easily the best experience to date! John is super personable, engaging, very talented at his craft, and is genuinely a nice guy. And the customer service he provides is amazing! I can’t say enough about the quality of work that John provides.” – Tan A.


Professional model comp card photography in Chicago is an essential investment for any model looking to make a mark in the competitive market. With John Gress Photography, you can be assured of high-quality images that showcase your best attributes and help you stand out to potential clients and agencies. Our tailored packages and expert retouching services ensure that your comp card is polished and professional, providing you with the tools you need to succeed in the modeling industry.

Ready to take the next step in your modeling career? Book your session today with John Gress Photography and create a comp card that opens doors to new opportunities. For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve your modeling goals with stunning, professional images.

Book Your Session Today!

model head shot pricing in Chicago