Male Modeling Industry in Chicago: Opportunities and Insights

Exploring the Male Modeling Industry in Chicago

The male modeling industry in Chicago is a vibrant and dynamic field offering a range of opportunities for models of all ages and experience levels. Whether you’re an aspiring young model or a mature and experienced professional like Jeff, the city’s diverse market provides numerous avenues to build and sustain a successful modeling career. With a blend of fashion, commercial, and lifestyle modeling opportunities, Chicago stands out as a hub for male models seeking to advance their careers.

Waist up portraits are standard in the male modeling industry in Chicago. Jeff poses with his arms crossed, wearing a green V-neck shirt, against a simple grey background, highlighting his strong features and well-groomed beard.
Jeff poses confidently with his arms crossed, showcasing his strong features and well-groomed beard.

The Landscape of the Male Modeling in Chicago

The male modeling industry in Chicago encompasses various niches, from high fashion and commercial advertisements to fitness and lifestyle shoots. The city’s modeling agencies play a crucial role in representing a wide array of talents, ensuring that male models have access to diverse opportunities. Agencies like Ford Models, 10 Management, and BMG Models are pivotal in supporting models’ careers by providing guidance, negotiating contracts, and facilitating portfolio development.

Fashion modeling is a significant part of the industry, with major retailers and designers seeking male models for their seasonal collections and fashion shows. Events like Chicago Fashion Week offer platforms for models to showcase their talents on the runway. In addition to fashion, commercial modeling is a major sector in Chicago, with models featured in advertisements for a wide range of products and services. These include print, digital, and television ads promoting everything from consumer goods to corporate services.

Chicago also offers ample opportunities for lifestyle modeling, which involves portraying everyday scenarios to promote products and services. This type of modeling requires versatility, as models may need to embody various roles, such as a young professional, a family man, or a retiree enjoying leisure activities. Fitness modeling is another growing niche, with male models participating in campaigns for sports brands and health and wellness products.

A mature male model with a beard stands confidently with his hands on his hips. He is wearing a dark blue shirt and a black vest, with a subtle smile and a piercing gaze. The background is a rich, dark blue, adding depth to the portrait.
Jeff stands confidently with his hands on his hips, embodying sophistication and experience.

Types of Modeling Jobs Available

The types of jobs in the male modeling industry in Chicago are diverse and cater to different looks and age ranges. Understanding the various modeling niches can help aspiring models identify where they fit best and how to tailor their portfolios accordingly.

Fashion Modeling

Fashion modeling is one of the most glamorous and sought-after sectors in the modeling industry. Male fashion models in Chicago have the opportunity to work in:

  • Runway Shows: Participating in runway shows for fashion weeks and designer collections, where models showcase the latest fashion trends.
  • Editorial Shoots: Featuring in fashion magazines and online publications, often requiring creative and high-fashion poses.
  • Catalog Modeling: Modeling for major retailers’ catalogs and online stores, such as Sears, K-Mart, and Kohl’s, showcasing seasonal clothing lines.

Models working in fashion need to maintain a fit physique and possess the ability to convey different styles and moods through their poses and expressions.

Jeff poses confidently on a chair, wearing a denim shirt and dark pants, with a serious expression and vintage props in the background a great image for the male modeling industry in Chicago
Jeff poses confidently on a chair, wearing a denim shirt and dark pants, with a serious expression and vintage props in the background.

Commercial Modeling

Commercial modeling encompasses a broad range of work, including advertisements and promotional content for various products and services. This type of modeling requires versatility and the ability to portray relatable characters that appeal to a wide audience. Male commercial models in Chicago may find opportunities in:

  • Print Ads: Appearing in advertisements for magazines, newspapers, and billboards, promoting everything from consumer goods to corporate services.
  • Digital Ads: Featuring in online advertisements and social media campaigns, often requiring engaging and authentic expressions.
  • Television Commercials: Acting in TV commercials for a variety of products and services, requiring strong acting skills and on-camera presence.

Commercial modeling offers a steady stream of opportunities and often provides more consistent work compared to fashion modeling.

Fitness Modeling

Fitness modeling is a niche that focuses on promoting health and wellness products, sports brands, and fitness services. Male fitness models need to maintain an athletic physique and demonstrate a healthy lifestyle. Opportunities in this sector include:

  • Fitness Brand Promotions: Modeling for sports apparel, gym equipment, and nutrition supplements.
  • Health and Wellness Campaigns: Featuring in advertisements for health clubs, fitness programs, and wellness products.

Fitness modeling requires a commitment to maintaining a toned and muscular physique, as well as the ability to perform and hold various fitness poses.

You can model at all ages in the male modeling industry in Chicago
Jeff displays a proud and assured expression, perfect for commercial modeling.

Senior and Mature Modeling

Senior and mature modeling is an increasingly important niche, catering to the demand for models who can represent older demographics in advertisements and promotional content. Male models like Jeff, with their seasoned experience and sophisticated look, excel in this sector. Opportunities include:

  • Commercials Targeting Older Audiences: Appearing in advertisements for healthcare products, financial services, and lifestyle brands aimed at older consumers.
  • Corporate Modeling: Portraying roles that require a mature, professional appearance in corporate advertisements and promotional materials.

Senior and mature models bring a level of credibility and relatability that resonates with target audiences, making them valuable assets in the commercial modeling sector.

close-up of the model smoking a cigar, similar to the previous image. His expression is confident and composed, capturing a timeless and classic look for the male modeling industry in Chicago
Close-up of Jeff smoking a cigar, capturing a timeless and classic look.

Opportunities Across Different Age Ranges

The male modeling industry in Chicago offers diverse opportunities for models at different stages of their careers. Here’s a closer look at how these opportunities might change based on age:

Young Models (18-30)

Young male models often find a wealth of opportunities in fashion and lifestyle sectors. Their fresh looks and adaptability make them ideal candidates for runway shows, fashion editorials, and lifestyle advertisements targeting younger demographics. Models in this age range are frequently sought after for trendy clothing lines, sports brands, and youthful consumer products.

Younger models benefit from their ability to portray a wide range of styles and characters, making them versatile assets for various modeling assignments. They often work with brands that target young adults, promoting trendy and fashionable products.

Mid-Age Models (30-50)

Models in their mid-ages often transition to roles that require a more mature look. This includes work in commercial modeling, corporate advertisements, and lifestyle shoots that demand a sophisticated, relatable presence. Models like Jeff, with their distinguished features and seasoned experience, are perfect for portraying confident professionals, caring fathers, and active individuals in their prime.

Mid-age models bring a balance of youthfulness and maturity, making them suitable for a variety of roles that require a dependable and relatable appearance. They often work with brands that cater to middle-aged consumers, such as family-oriented products, business services, and lifestyle brands.

Close-up of Jeff smoking a cigar, capturing a timeless and classic look.
Close-up of Jeff smoking a cigar, capturing a timeless and classic look.

Mature Models (50+)

Mature models are in high demand for their experienced and refined looks. They often find work in commercials, healthcare, and financial services, portraying trustworthiness and reliability. This age range provides unique opportunities to engage in meaningful and impactful campaigns.

Jeff in a thoughtful pose, wearing a stylish outfit and sitting on a chair, showcasing a blend of casual and sophisticated elements in the studio setting.
Jeff in a thoughtful pose, wearing a stylish outfit and sitting on a chair, showcasing a blend of casual and sophisticated elements in the studio setting.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your modeling career, understanding the opportunities available at different age ranges can help you strategically plan your path in the industry. For more details on how to get started or to book a session, visit our rates and booking page.

Building a Successful Modeling Career

Building a successful modeling career in the male modeling industry in Chicago requires more than just good looks and talent. A strong portfolio, professional guidance, and strategic networking are crucial components that can set a model apart from the competition. Working with an experienced photographer like John Gress can significantly enhance a model’s chances of success by creating a compelling portfolio that highlights their unique strengths and versatility.

A model’s portfolio serves as their visual resume, showcasing their ability to embody different looks and styles. It is often the first thing agencies and clients review, making it essential for the portfolio to be polished and professional. John Gress’s expertise in photography ensures that every shot is meticulously crafted to capture the model’s best features and convey their potential to prospective clients.

John Gress offers a range of photography sessions tailored to meet the specific needs of models. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to update your existing portfolio, his sessions provide a comprehensive experience that includes professional direction, advanced lighting techniques, and high-quality retouching. Here are some of the photography sessions available:

    • 1 Hour Session – $499: Ideal for those needing a quick update, this session includes close-up, 3/4, and full-body shots, with 2-4 background and clothing changes, and one retouched image.
    • 2 Hour Session – $749: Designed for actors and models needing a few shots, this session includes 3-5 background and clothing changes, and three retouched images.
    • 3 Hour Session – $999: Perfect for models needing a variety of shots for their portfolio or comp card, this session includes 4-7 background and clothing changes, and five retouched images.
    • 5 Hour Session – $2299: The ultimate experience for models needing a wide variety of shots, this session includes 6-9 background and clothing changes, and fifteen retouched images.

Each session is carefully planned to ensure that the resulting images are not only visually striking but also tailored to meet industry standards and client expectations.

Behind-the-scenes image of Jeff in the studio, this time dressed in a suit and hat, holding a cigar, with a dramatic lighting setup and smoke effects, creating a classic and sophisticated atmosphere.
Behind-the-scenes image of Jeff in the studio, dressed in a suit and hat, holding a cigar, with a dramatic lighting setup and smoke effects, creating a classic and sophisticated atmosphere.

Enhancing Your Portfolio with Professional Photography

A well-crafted portfolio is a model’s most important tool when trying to catch the eye of top modeling agencies in Chicago. John’s photography sessions are designed to highlight a model’s versatility and strengths, creating a compelling collection of images that can capture the attention of agency scouts and casting directors.

Customized Shoots

Every photoshoot with John is tailored to highlight the model’s best features and align with current industry trends. Gress works closely with models to understand their strengths and how best to present them. This personalized approach ensures that each model’s unique qualities are showcased effectively.

Advanced Lighting Techniques

Gress’s mastery of lighting ensures that each photograph is not just seen but felt. His strategic use of light accentuates features, enhances mood, and adds depth to the photographs, making them more compelling. Whether it’s the soft glow of natural light or the dramatic effect of studio lighting, Gress knows how to use light to create powerful images.

Guidance and Direction

For new models, understanding how to pose and project in front of the camera can be challenging. John provides expert direction during shoots, helping models feel comfortable and confident, which shines through in the final images. His ability to guide models through various poses and expressions ensures a diverse and dynamic portfolio.

High-Quality Retouching

Post-shoot retouching is handled with utmost care to enhance the natural beauty of the model without making the images look overly processed. This attention to detail ensures that the portfolio presents a true representation of the model’s potential. Retouching includes adjustments to color, brightness, blemishes, and other enhancements to ensure the model looks their best.

Full body portraits are standard in the male modeling industry in Chicago. Jeff sits on a chair in a rustic studio setting, dressed in a denim shirt, dark pants, and black boots, with a ladder and vintage equipment in the background.
Jeff sits in a rustic studio setting, showcasing versatility in his portfolio.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Client testimonials and success stories are powerful indicators of the quality and impact of John Gress’s work. Many models who have worked with Gress have gone on to secure representation with top modeling agencies and book significant jobs in the industry. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied clients:

“John was highly professional throughout our shoot. He was prompt, prepared, and made the photo session exciting! He truly cares about his job, and I would highly recommend.” – Amir C.

“John is very professional, personable, and patient during the shoots. I have utilized his photography service on three separate occasions, and I recommend anyone who is looking for a skilled photographer who is going to capture great moments within any setting. It’s not always about taking pictures with John; John also makes it a point to follow up with his clients to see how things have been going in their lives. This makes the experience more personable and comfortable.” – Cameron M.

“I had been wanting to do a shoot with John for quite some time and he did not disappoint! He was very accommodating and easy to work with. His studio provided a very comfortable and welcoming atmosphere and my images came out exactly how I imagined. I highly recommend his services!” – D Leonard

“My photos turned out beautifully and very professional looking. John made me feel comfortable in front of the camera which for me is always a challenge. I highly recommend you use your services.” – Shari S.

“John is an incredible photographer! I never imagined my photos looking the way they look. Don’t think, just hire, you won’t regret it!” – Evan S.

These endorsements reflect the high standards and commitment to quality that characterize John’s approach to photography. His ability to create a comfortable and collaborative environment ensures that each client’s unique qualities are captured in the best possible light.

A behind-the-scenes shot of Jeff in the studio, sitting on a chair with a smile, surrounded by professional lighting equipment and a rustic backdrop.
A behind-the-scenes shot of Jeff in the studio, sitting on a chair with a smile, surrounded by professional lighting equipment and a rustic backdrop.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Male Models

For aspiring male models looking to break into the industry, preparation and professionalism are key. Here are some practical tips to help you get started and succeed in the competitive modeling market:

Preparing for a Photoshoot

Preparation is crucial for a successful photoshoot. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before the shoot and stay hydrated. Grooming is also essential; ensure that your hair is styled, and your skin is clean and moisturized. If you’re unsure about makeup, consider hiring a professional makeup artist to ensure you look your best on camera.

Selecting the Right Outfits

Bring a variety of outfits to the shoot, ideally twice as many as you plan to use. Your wardrobe should include a range of styles, from casual jeans and t-shirts to more formal attire. Avoid clothing with prominent logos or overly busy patterns. Solid, classic colors work best, especially for lifestyle modeling. Bright solids and neutral tones are recommended for actors and commercial models.

Understanding Poses and Expressions

Vary your poses and expressions throughout the shoot to showcase your range and suitability for different roles or campaigns. If you’re unsure what to do, don’t worry—John will guide you through various poses and make sure you feel comfortable and look great on camera. Experiment with different expressions and poses to ensure we capture your best possible look.

Professional Makeup and Hair

Consider hiring a professional makeup artist and hair stylist, especially for shoots that require varied looks. A skilled makeup artist can enhance your appearance and ensure consistency across different lighting setups and styles. For men, a hair stylist might not always be necessary, but for those looking for varied looks, professional hair and makeup are highly recommended.

A behind-the-scenes shot of the model in a studio setting. He is sitting on a stool, smoking a cigar, with a lighting setup around him. The scene includes large softboxes and other lighting equipment, highlighting the professional environment. Behind-the-scenes shot of Jeff in a studio setting, highlighting the professional environment.


The male modeling industry in Chicago offers a plethora of opportunities across various sectors, from fashion and commercial to fitness and senior modeling. Aspiring male models can benefit significantly from understanding the diverse roles available and strategically planning their careers. With the expertise of renowned photographer John, models can create strong, impactful portfolios that highlight their unique strengths and appeal to top agencies and clients.

Whether you are just starting or looking to enhance your modeling career, Chicago provides a dynamic environment with ample opportunities for growth. Don’t miss the chance to work with a professional like John Gress, whose tailored photoshoots and advanced techniques can help you stand out in the competitive modeling industry. Book a session with John today to take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling modeling career.

Book Your Session Today!

model head shot pricing in Chicago