Headshots: K Ellis

What’s your favorite thing to do on a hot sticky summer night? Stylist Isaac King would probably assert, “fit model Keeland Ellis in a kilt on a random street corner!”



When I started to light this shot, as seen in this pic, I didn’t like the rim the back light created so I decided to add a second strobe.
more stuff
After I added the second strobe, I noticed the white car in the background was distracting, so I parked my black car infront of it befor the final shot.


“I brought three kilts for this shot…all of them too SMALL!!! I felt like killing myself. But I worked it out. He looks like frankenstein from the back with all the pins, tape, and clips I had to use to keep it up!” – Stylist Isaac King

Credits: Styling by Isaac King. Make up by Kim King.

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