Compcard Photographer: Chicago Male Model Troy Z

Compcards: Male Model Troy Z has a strong look and can keep you from turning the page whether hes staring back at you or laughing in his headshots and photography portfolio.

Compcard Photographer Chicago Male Model Troy Z laughs on white background studio image

Compcard Photographer Chicago Male Model Troy Z smiles in studio photoshoot

When we took the shoot outside, I switched to super fast telephoto prime lenses to blur the background and isolate Troy from the surrounding scene.

Compcard Photographer Chicago Male Model Troy Z outdoor fashion headshot

Compcard Photographer Chicago Male Model Troy Z outdoor headshot

Compcard Photographer Chicago Male Model Troy Z fashion photo train
“It may not look like it, but it was cold as hell when we were taking this picture and we were running out of daylight. The cold along with the fact that that bag was heavy made this photo a hard one to capture but our hard work definitely paid off.” – Model Troy Z

Credits: Make-up by Deirdra Carney. Styling by Shar Devon.

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