Chicago Acting Headshots: Enhance Your Acting Career with Professional Photography

Chicago acting headshots of Preston with a genuine smile, wearing a denim jacket and checkered shirt.

In the competitive acting industry, a professional headshot can make all the difference. As an actor, your headshot is often your first introduction to casting directors and agents. A high-quality headshot not only captures your physical appearance but also conveys your personality and professionalism. At our Chicago photo studio, we specialize in creating stunning acting […]

Chicago Model Photo Studio: Improving Your Skills as a Model

Dyren in a Chicago model photo studio. He is engaging in a dynamic action shot, flipping gold-colored playing cards into the air. The cards and more gold-colored money are scattered on the table. He keeps a focused expression, and his attire remains consistent with the previous images.

Welcome to our guide on how to improve your skills as a model, featuring insights from the renowned Chicago model photo studio John Gress Photography. Whether you are a seasoned model or just starting, continuous improvement is key to standing out in the competitive modeling industry. In this post, we will explore various aspects of […]