Perfecting Your Modeling comp card photography in Chicago
 with Tyie

Modeling comp card photography in Chicago - Tyie silhouette

In the world of modeling, comp cards are essential tools that help models showcase their versatility and attract the attention of casting directors and agencies. A well-crafted comp card can make a significant difference in a model’s career by presenting a variety of looks and styles. Today, we’re featuring Tyie, an athletic male model, who […]

Capturing Versatility: Model Headshots in Chicago with Jake

Jake in a black suit with beard

When it comes to capturing stunning model headshots in Chicago, John Gress is a name that stands out. With his expert eye for detail and innovative approach to photography, John has helped numerous models elevate their portfolios. One such model is Jake, who recently had a unique photoshoot that showcased his versatility. Jake shaved halfway […]