Capturing Versatility: Model Headshots in Chicago with Jake

When it comes to capturing stunning model headshots in Chicago, John Gress is a name that stands out. With his expert eye for detail and innovative approach to photography, John has helped numerous models elevate their portfolios. One such model is Jake, who recently had a unique photoshoot that showcased his versatility. Jake shaved halfway through the session to provide a variety of looks, demonstrating his adaptability for different roles and styles.

Jake in a black suit with beard during his model headshots in Chicago
Jake in a black suit with beard, showcasing a strong, masculine look.

The Importance of Versatile Model Headshots in Chicago

Versatility in a model’s portfolio is crucial. It opens doors to a wider range of opportunities, from high fashion and commercial projects to lifestyle shoots. Versatile headshots can attract more attention from casting directors and agencies, showcasing the model’s ability to adapt to various roles and aesthetics. A diverse portfolio, featuring different looks and styles, is an invaluable asset for any model aiming to succeed in the competitive world of modeling.

John understands this need for versatility and works diligently to capture the unique qualities of each model he photographs. His approach ensures that every session is tailored to highlight the strengths of the model, creating images that are not only visually stunning but also strategically beneficial for the model’s career. By offering a range of looks in a single session, John helps models present a well-rounded portfolio that can appeal to a broad spectrum of potential clients and casting agents.

For a model like Jake, who is keen on exploring various opportunities in the modeling industry, having versatile headshots is especially important. Whether aiming for high-fashion editorials, commercial advertisements, or lifestyle shoots, the ability to present different facets through headshots can significantly boost a model’s appeal. Casting directors and agents often seek models who can seamlessly transition between different looks, and a versatile portfolio serves as compelling evidence of a model’s range.

Jake’s Photoshoot: Capturing Dual Looks

Jake’s photoshoot with John was meticulously planned to capture two distinct looks. The session began with Jake sporting a beard, presenting a rugged, mature appearance suitable for specific types of modeling work. Midway through the shoot, Jake shaved his beard, transforming his look to a clean-shaven, fresh-faced appearance. This transition highlighted Jake’s versatility and provided a comprehensive set of images for his portfolio.

Jake model headshots in Chicago with beard
A dramatic headshot of Jake with a beard, emphasizing his intense gaze.

The concept behind the photoshoot was to showcase Jake’s ability to adapt to different roles and aesthetics, making him a versatile choice for a wide range of modeling jobs. By presenting two distinct looks, Jake could appeal to different markets and demonstrate his flexibility and range as a model. This approach not only enhances his portfolio but also increases his chances of being selected for a variety of modeling gigs.

The planning phase of the photoshoot involved careful consideration of the looks and styles that would best highlight Jake’s features and versatility. John’s expertise in creating dynamic lighting setups and selecting appropriate backdrops played a crucial role in ensuring that each look was distinct and impactful. The session started with Jake in a rugged, masculine style, utilizing dramatic lighting and a monochrome palette to emphasize his strong features and intense expressions.

The Bearded Look: Strong and Masculine

The bearded look gave Jake a strong, masculine presence that is ideal for roles requiring a rugged or mature appearance. These types of headshots are perfect for high-fashion editorials, commercial advertisements, and lifestyle projects that benefit from a more seasoned look. The beard added a layer of depth to Jake’s features, making him appear more distinguished and experienced.


In these bearded shots, Jake was styled in a way that emphasized his strong jawline and intense gaze, capturing the essence of a confident, experienced model. The dramatic lighting and thoughtful composition further enhanced the impact of these images. John used high contrast and shadow to create a striking effect, making Jake’s features stand out prominently.

Jake in a leather jacket with beard
Jake in a leather jacket with beard, exuding confidence and maturity.

These images showcased Jake in various outfits, from casual attire to more formal clothing, highlighting his ability to fit different roles and settings. Whether it’s a high-end fashion shoot or a commercial advertisement, Jake’s bearded look exudes confidence and sophistication, making him an ideal candidate for a wide range of modeling opportunities.

John’s meticulous attention to detail ensured that the bearded look was captured in its full glory. The use of high-contrast black and white photography added a timeless quality to the images, making them suitable for a variety of uses. Jake’s poses were directed to highlight his strong, angular features, creating a series of powerful images that exude confidence and maturity.

The Clean-Shaven Look: Fresh and Versatile

After shaving, Jake’s clean-shaven look brought out a fresh and youthful appearance, broadening his appeal for a variety of modeling gigs. This look is versatile and suitable for commercial projects, lifestyle shoots, and fashion editorials that require a more approachable and energetic vibe.

Jake clean-shaven in business-casual attire during his model headshots in Chicago
Jake clean-shaven in business-casual attire, demonstrating versatility.

The transformation was remarkable, and the clean-shaven shots captured Jake’s ability to adapt effortlessly to different styles. These images featured casual and business-casual attire, highlighting his flexibility and the broad range of roles he can take on. John’s expertise in lighting and composition ensured that the clean-shaven look was just as impactful as the bearded look, with each shot carefully crafted to showcase Jake’s best features.

Jake clean-shaven in casual clothing
Jake clean-shaven in casual clothing, showcasing a fresh, youthful look.

The clean-shaven look also allowed for a greater range of expressions and poses, further demonstrating Jake’s versatility. From smiling and approachable to serious and contemplative, the clean-shaven shots captured a wide array of emotions and styles, making Jake a highly adaptable model suitable for various types of modeling work.

Jake’s photoshoot perfectly captured the essence of versatility in model headshots. By showcasing both a bearded and clean-shaven look, Jake’s portfolio now appeals to a broader market, increasing his chances of landing diverse modeling jobs. John’s expertise in photography, combined with Jake’s adaptability, resulted in a stunning set of images that highlight the importance of versatility in a model’s portfolio.

Behind the Scenes: The Creative Process

Understanding the creative process behind a photoshoot can provide valuable insights into how stunning model headshots are crafted. For Jake’s session, meticulous planning and a collaborative approach were key. The shoot took place in a versatile studio setup, allowing for various backgrounds and lighting adjustments to suit each look. John’s experience and creativity played a crucial role in achieving the desired outcomes.

Behind the scenes of Jake's model headshots in Chicago
Behind the scenes of Jake’s photoshoot with beard.

John’s direction helped Jake adopt poses that emphasized his jawline and intense gaze, ensuring each shot was impactful.

model headshots in Chicago of Jake's photoshoot
Clean-shaven Jake poses in a green turtleneck in front of a green backdrop, showcasing versatility.

Quick Tips for Preparing for a Model Headshot in Chicago

Preparing for a model headshot session involves more than just showing up and posing. Here are some quick tips to help you make the most of your session:

  • Know Your Looks: Decide in advance which looks you want to capture. This could include different outfits, hairstyles, and expressions. Discuss these with your photographer to ensure a cohesive plan.
  • Wardrobe Selection: Choose outfits that complement your body type and skin tone. Avoid busy patterns and logos. Bring a variety of clothing options, including casual, business, and formal attire.
  • Grooming: Make sure your hair and skin are in their best condition. Consider adding a professional makeup artist and hairstylist to your package to ensure you look polished.
  • Rest Well: Get a good night’s sleep before your session. Being well-rested will help you look fresh and energetic in your photos.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your shoot. Hydrated skin looks healthier and more vibrant.
  • Practice Posing: Spend some time practicing poses and expressions in front of a mirror. This will help you feel more confident and natural during the shoot.

Client Testimonials

The quality of John’s work is best reflected through the testimonials of his clients. Here are some experiences shared by those who have worked with him:

“John was highly professional throughout our shoot. He was prompt, prepared, and made the photo session exciting! He truly cares about his job, and I would highly recommend.” – Amir C.

“John is very professional, personable, and patient during the shoots. I have utilized his photography service on three separate occasions, and I recommend anyone who is looking for a skilled photographer who is going to capture great moments within any setting.” – Cameron M.

“John Gress is an amazing photographer. I’ve used him for corporate headshots at two different companies, and the results are always stellar. John is thoughtful, patient, and takes the time to put his subjects at ease to capture them at their best. And his mastery of lighting is unparalleled.” – Jeffrey W.

These testimonials highlight John’s commitment to quality, professionalism, and his ability to make clients feel comfortable and confident during their sessions. His expertise not only produces stunning images but also ensures a positive and memorable experience for every client.

Booking Your Session with John Gress

Booking a headshot session with John Gress is a straightforward process designed to cater to the needs of each client. To get started, clients can visit the booking page on John’s website, where they can view detailed information about the available packages and rates.

John offers several packages tailored to different needs:

  • 1-Hour Session ($499): Ideal for a quick update, this session includes closeup, 3/4, and full body shots with 2-4 background and clothing changes, and one retouched image.
  • 2-Hour Session ($749): Perfect for those needing a few more options, this session includes 3-5 background and clothing changes, with three retouched images.
  • 3-Hour Session ($999): Designed for models who need a variety of shots, this session offers 4-7 background and clothing changes, with five retouched images.
  • 5-Hour Session ($2299): The ultimate experience for comprehensive portfolios, including 6-9 background and clothing changes, and fifteen retouched images.

Clients can also enhance their sessions with add-ons such as additional retouched images, comp cards, and on-site hair and makeup services. Booking is easy through the online system, and clients can secure their sessions with a non-refundable deposit. John’s team is available to assist with any questions and ensure the booking process is smooth and convenient.


Versatility is key in the modeling industry, and Jake’s photoshoot with John Gress perfectly demonstrates how a model can showcase different looks to appeal to various markets. By presenting both a bearded and clean-shaven look, Jake’s portfolio is now more comprehensive and dynamic, increasing his chances of securing diverse modeling opportunities.

John’s expertise in photography, his meticulous attention to detail, and his ability to create a comfortable environment for his clients all contribute to producing high-quality, impactful images. Whether you are a model, actor, or business professional, John can help you elevate your portfolio and make a lasting impression.

For more information or to book your session, visit the headshot and portrait rates page and start your journey towards a stunning and versatile portfolio today.

Contact Information and Social Media Links

To learn more about John Gress’s photography services, or to book a session, please visit the contact page. Stay updated with his latest work and insights by following him on social media:

Book Your Session Today!

model head shot pricing in Chicago