How many watt-seconds do you need for portrait photography?

In today’s video I explore how many watt seconds you may need in each situation so that you can make the right choice when you’re purchasing lights for your studio and on location.
MEMBER EXCLUSIVE: Elinchrom Litemotiv 120 review, Parabolic softboxes are truly better

I bought this modifier 2 years ago and I didn’t really know what I had until I tested it against my other modifiers and proved it has unique capabilities. Especially, when I removed the diffusion and put in a deflector disc, turning it into a giant beauty dish.
Hair Light 201. Everything you need to know about hairlights.

Part of making a refined image in the studio is lighting your subject to preserve details in their hair or operate them from the background. In today’s video, I will teach you everything you need to know about hair lights. Including which modifiers to use, where and how to mount them plus how bright your lights should be.
The 10 portrait lighting mistakes that every new photographer makes

Whether your new to lighting or you have been doing it for over 20 years, everybody started off in the same place and everybody made a bunch of mistakes. So if you’re just starting out and you do any of the things I’m about to talk about I’m not mentioning these things to make you feel bad and I’ve made all of these mistakes and occasionally I still make them.
Why you shouldn’t use continuous LED lights for portrait photography

I actually think the AF in this camera works quite well. And I have owned a 1, 1n, 1VHS, 1D, 1D II, 1D III, 1DX2 and every 5D camera, and I’ve used many of them to shoot sports at a very high level.